A few days ago I was somewhat startled by the question during the middle of conversation partner to first go vote Adiwiyata School. Which create the shock he pointed questions "Sir, is it true that this plant (as she pointed to a potted plant in the content) can create cancer? ". "What? "In my heart of course. "I read it on facebook, he said these plants could lead to cancer. So afraid, because at home many of these plants in the yard ", continued the relationship. Um ...
in fact I've read at a glance on the issue, but because they do not believe further so I do not pay attention. Questions partner had made so I have to read more information about the gossip.Lucky world today NESS mbah gugel almost could help find what we were looking for, including about plants and interwoven with questions My partner. Gugl fit again! ng fact that information has been written by his mother Benjamin faraway, ranked number one as well.Oh yes, this picture I plant called relations. In fact name that Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Better known as plant Zamia, ZZ Plant or the current trend so Crop Dollar. And the news about the Dollar Plant and cancers that spread widely on social media:Leuk DISEASE HAZARD! MIA !!!!
My brother in law recently died aged 31 yrs overnight because by Leuk! mia. For the deceased during his lifetime studying a Master's degree in Botanical in USM campus to review this type of plant. Partner of the research team SDH he died a year ago suffered from leuk! mia also. Admittedly last until late last night.Indeed, the results of his research has been authorized by the USM campus and the Ministry of Health when Leuk! mia that can result from plants TSB. So the story of D Hizzad Bole trigger cancer d4rah (Leuk! Mia) in fact can be proven. In China sdh long enough to recognize about the dangers of these plants, but only reported the China alone. Middle where we plant it treatedAnd makes the plants in the house ..ATTENTION AND ALERT !!!
If there is this plant at home, just as quickly musn4h by burning first flowering plants. Because of the interest result in cancer d4rah (Leuk! Mia)So commonplace comrade I'm afraid the problem Dollar Crop. Lha wong above info can lead to cancer or bhs d4rah cool leuk! mia. One
mem4tikan such diseases. Some neighbors and who ever I heard carry d4rah cancer pain must end the suffering of this disease by way of death. Reportedly still unaccounted for sure what the medicine.Then, back to the question above, what is the dollar plant can cause leuk! mia?In an article published ecoticraiforest described when "Opportunities for ker4cunan due to consumption of these plants are so low, especially plant Philodendron, Anthurium, Alocasia, Colocasia, and Zamioculcas zamiifolia". So, we hold when Plant Dollar so little likelihood result in ker4cunan.Then, the information developed say when Plant Dollar contains Calcium Oxalate is shaped like a needle through the skin will create tertu "suk and terinf3ksi. Some of the info is true. Calcium oxalate does exist in plants dollars, nyapun shape like a needle.However, you need to know also if there are calcium oxalate in some plants it:
CassavaSpinachCarrotRadishSawibeansGarlicLettuce and watercressSweet potatoBroccoliCeleryeggplantCauliflowerAsparagusCabbageTomatobeansPotatoOnionPepperCucumberCorn, etc.
Well, if true Calcium Oxalate indeed trigger leuk! mia other words d4rah cancer, why until today you are safe. Are not all the plants in the top 22 so you consume daily?Moreover, the knowledge I was to ascertain whether the disease due to specific triggers require considerable scientific evidence. Especially leuk! mia g4nas This includes diseases that until now still a matter for research some scientists about what penctus or trigger.So, can assure that the above information about cancer triggers dollar plant d4rah other words leuk! mia that these have not yet fully recognized and properly ...!As long as advanced middle age, such a massive internet access and easy, if you or anyone receive similar information like the above info mbok yes in the first check to the mbah. Never the rapid development of Internet technology so for us all miserable.Source: karismauyy.comsource; http: // www. duniasehat69.com/2016/05/w00000w-mengerikan-waspadalah-sebelum.html
in fact I've read at a glance on the issue, but because they do not believe further so I do not pay attention. Questions partner had made so I have to read more information about the gossip.Lucky world today NESS mbah gugel almost could help find what we were looking for, including about plants and interwoven with questions My partner. Gugl fit again! ng fact that information has been written by his mother Benjamin faraway, ranked number one as well.Oh yes, this picture I plant called relations. In fact name that Zamioculcas zamiifolia. Better known as plant Zamia, ZZ Plant or the current trend so Crop Dollar. And the news about the Dollar Plant and cancers that spread widely on social media:Leuk DISEASE HAZARD! MIA !!!!
My brother in law recently died aged 31 yrs overnight because by Leuk! mia. For the deceased during his lifetime studying a Master's degree in Botanical in USM campus to review this type of plant. Partner of the research team SDH he died a year ago suffered from leuk! mia also. Admittedly last until late last night.Indeed, the results of his research has been authorized by the USM campus and the Ministry of Health when Leuk! mia that can result from plants TSB. So the story of D Hizzad Bole trigger cancer d4rah (Leuk! Mia) in fact can be proven. In China sdh long enough to recognize about the dangers of these plants, but only reported the China alone. Middle where we plant it treatedAnd makes the plants in the house ..ATTENTION AND ALERT !!!
If there is this plant at home, just as quickly musn4h by burning first flowering plants. Because of the interest result in cancer d4rah (Leuk! Mia)So commonplace comrade I'm afraid the problem Dollar Crop. Lha wong above info can lead to cancer or bhs d4rah cool leuk! mia. One
mem4tikan such diseases. Some neighbors and who ever I heard carry d4rah cancer pain must end the suffering of this disease by way of death. Reportedly still unaccounted for sure what the medicine.Then, back to the question above, what is the dollar plant can cause leuk! mia?In an article published ecoticraiforest described when "Opportunities for ker4cunan due to consumption of these plants are so low, especially plant Philodendron, Anthurium, Alocasia, Colocasia, and Zamioculcas zamiifolia". So, we hold when Plant Dollar so little likelihood result in ker4cunan.Then, the information developed say when Plant Dollar contains Calcium Oxalate is shaped like a needle through the skin will create tertu "suk and terinf3ksi. Some of the info is true. Calcium oxalate does exist in plants dollars, nyapun shape like a needle.However, you need to know also if there are calcium oxalate in some plants it:
CassavaSpinachCarrotRadishSawibeansGarlicLettuce and watercressSweet potatoBroccoliCeleryeggplantCauliflowerAsparagusCabbageTomatobeansPotatoOnionPepperCucumberCorn, etc.
Well, if true Calcium Oxalate indeed trigger leuk! mia other words d4rah cancer, why until today you are safe. Are not all the plants in the top 22 so you consume daily?Moreover, the knowledge I was to ascertain whether the disease due to specific triggers require considerable scientific evidence. Especially leuk! mia g4nas This includes diseases that until now still a matter for research some scientists about what penctus or trigger.So, can assure that the above information about cancer triggers dollar plant d4rah other words leuk! mia that these have not yet fully recognized and properly ...!As long as advanced middle age, such a massive internet access and easy, if you or anyone receive similar information like the above info mbok yes in the first check to the mbah. Never the rapid development of Internet technology so for us all miserable.Source: karismauyy.comsource; http: // www. duniasehat69.com/2016/05/w00000w-mengerikan-waspadalah-sebelum.html
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